If our content won’t bring results in the first 3 months, we’ll recommend you other agency
Understanding your audiences: keyword research
Keyword research is the process of systematically identifying the best opportunities to grow your organic search traffic. We identify the common words and phrases your target audience uses to search for information and answers. We prioritise the best queries and create content to answer them, placing your company front-and-center of their search results in the process.
Among the well known specific tools, we use Visibility Report, a tool that we have built from scratch, in order to follow a 500k keywords data base for 2.5k websites in 25 major categories. In this way, we make sure we won’t miss any opportunities when we build our keywords lists.

For every topic, we use Topics API – another in-house developed tool – to extract data. This is how we analize all the keywords a topic / URL ranks on and make calculations for traffic estimates according to CTR position in SERP.
Content Strategy: mapping and planning
Content is a significant investment in your marketing. It also takes time to pay off. Unlike paid acquisition channels, content isn’t a marketing tactic you can easily turn on and off. It takes months to build momentum. If you’re going to spend that much time working on a blog, you better have a content strategy.
To make sure that the content is reaching all our goals – organic traffic, happy readers and business results – we need multiple layers of understanding.
We gave them a name – seasonality heat-maps – and, based on them, we analyse and prioritise thousands of topics, using accurate organic traffic estimates in order to decide what would be the right moment to address each issue. In other words, we’re mapping the content according to the conversion funnel, so that we get the best results.
Seasonality information

Content mapping depending on the conversion funnel

As we want to impact the sales, we develop content for each area of the sales funnel, for every buyer persona type. Above this mix, we overlay the estimated visits amount, in order to prioritise correctly and to establish the most efficient sequence to publish each piece of content.
The editorial calendar helps our in-house teams to align with each other and to schedule their daily, weekly and monthly efforts. It also allows us to have a better overview regarding content types, promo channels, authors and publishing schedule.
Editorial calendar

Research and content creation
Since all of our articles are designed to drive organic traffic, the content is crafted with following strict SEO guidelines.
We have a dedicated team to the research process and this gives us the advantage to differentiate from our competitors who approached similar topics. Also, this is how we identify user expectations when they are looking for a certain subject, so that so we can address all of their informational needs in our content.
Our team consists of 10 in-house content writers and multiple collaborators. From broad experiences but also specialised expertise, they will deliver the best content out there on any subject.
The very best content marketing strategy can only go as far as a great content amplification strategy will take it. We know that organic traffic is only one part of the complex puzzle that is digital marketing.
To put it simply, having the best content is not enough if it doesn’t reach the right audience at the right time.
Using a mix of Facebook Ads and Native Advertising, we get the best from both worlds:
- rapid results & traction through push promotion – we are using Facebook Ads to promote the content among carefully created audiences. This is how we generate fast results, before reaching the organic traffic objective.
- SEO authority that allows the content to rank and generate organic results
Our in-house team works together to create, place and promote content that attracts authority links, a thing our competition won’t be able to replicate.

Editorial content, created in-house after a fail-proof recipe
This is what we deliver, thanks to cca 70 online publishers and their trust in our work. It’s already been 5 years since we introduced and validated Native Advertising in Romania, a solution that has been adopted afterwards among several industries.
In little words, Native Advertising implies the natural, non-invasive link placement in useful informational articles for the audience we target. The links we are using are links for which we want to increase the authority. In this way, we make sure that they are not perceived as advertisements, address a specific need and perfectly fit the audience requirements, so that they would be more likely to be clicked voluntarily.
We are offering quality content to the publishers audiences; in exchange, they allow us to naturally insert links that contribute authority increase for the links in our clients’ websites, so that they could get the best ranks in Google.

Measuring what matters
Guided by one of our principles, “You can’t manage what you can’t measure.”, we developed our own methodology of measuring content marketing results, trying to stay away from vanity metrics such as likes, shares & page views. For each piece of content that we publish we try to answer these 3 questions:
How is our content performing?
We’re using a proprietary methodology to monitor the health of our content. We start by analysing medium traffic estimates for 1st to 3rd positions in SERPs for a keyword with a higher search volume and then we compare with the traffic that the topic gained in the last month (=health). This health score shows us if we managed to reach the traffic objective and whether we must make the article better.

Are the readers happy?
We know that a reader is happy with our content when he invested the time to read the article. We consider that an article we published on our client’s blog is consumed when the reader both:
- scrolls at least 80% of the page’s length
- spends at least 80% of the estimated reading time of the article
We had no choice but to build a tool that does the mathematics.

Is the content supporting your business?
Traffic is great. But content marketing cost you money. The only thing that makes you money is having more paying customers.
There are plenty of blogs out there that don’t drive business growth. A comprehensive content marketing strategy includes monetisation, so we are measuring how this traffic adds up to your business objectives.
See how we drove business growth through content for Mega Image, doubling their revenue in a year.

We did it for them.
We’ll do it again for you.
Don’t just trust us, check the data yourself.